What are the Different Types of Fescue Grass?

Welcome, lawn owners. If you’re looking for a grassy masterpiece to call your own, taking the time to learn about fescue grass can be an invaluable first step. Whether you’re a pro or new to landscaping, knowing the ins and outs of this powerful turfgrass is essential in helping ensure that your project runs smoothly from start to finish. From how it performs in different climates and soils to ways of keeping it strong and healthy – get ready as we dive into all things involving fescue!

What is Fescue Grass?

Fescue grass, scientifically known as Festuca, is a versatile and broadly adapted genus of perennial grasses that thrive in a wide range of environmental conditions. This cool-season grass is native to Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, making it a popular choice for landscaping purposes, such as residential lawns, sports fields, and golf courses. Known for its drought and wear resistance, Fescue grass is notable for its ecological and economic importance. This article will delve into the different types of Fescue grass, their unique characteristics, environmental conditions, and the history of this hardy grass.

What are the Different Types of Fescue Grass?

Fescue grass types encompass various species, each with unique attributes and characteristics. The genus Festuca can be categorized into three main groups: Fine Fescues, Tall Fescue, and Hard Fescue.

1] Fine Fescues

The fine types of fescue grass family include several species that share some common characteristics:

  • Sheep fescue or blue fescue (Festuca ovina L., also called Festuca ovina L. ssp. hirtula): This hardy grass with blue-grey foliage and a tough, dense growth habit is well-suited for low-maintenance landscapes, mass plantings, and erosion control.
  • Hard fescue: With its fine-textured, dark green leaves, hard fescue tolerates drought, shade, and poor soil conditions. It is often used in low-maintenance lawns, golf course roughs, and naturalized areas.
  • Creeping red fescue: Known for its creeping growth habit, it is a fine-textured grass with a deep green color and high shade tolerance, making it ideal for use in shade lawns, ground covers, and erosion control.
  • Chewings fescue: This non-creeping, fine-textured grass offers excellent wear tolerance and shade resistance. Its adaptability to various soil types makes it popular in lawns, golf course greens, and seed mixtures.

These low-maintenance grasses have thin, fine-textured, needle-type leaf blades and can tolerate shade, moderate drought, and low-fertility soils.

2] Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea):

Known for its heat, drought, and wear tolerance, Tall Fescue is a widely adapted species suitable for diverse environments. This coarse-textured, deep-rooted grass thrives in various soil types and withstands low mowing heights. It is often used for residential lawns, sports fields, and erosion control.

The Kentucky-31 (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), commonly known as “K-31,” is a widely used tall fescue variant. It is often planted on lawns, but its hardiness makes it suitable for high-traffic areas like roadsides, sports fields, and parks. Despite its utility, homeowners often find this “forage fescue” unsuitable for home lawns due to its clumpy, bunch-type growth.

In response, newer tall fescue cultivars have been engineered for improved aesthetics. One such example is the Rebel, designed to grow shorter, possess a finer leaf texture, and display a richer green color than the K-31. These qualities make it a “turf-type tall fescue,” an excellent choice for sports fields and parks requiring a mowing height of around 2 inches.

Coarse fescue varieties are commonly deployed in the so-called transition zone. This refers to regions in the U.S. where temperate and sub-tropical climates intersect.

3] Hard Fescue (Festuca trachyphylla):

This fine-leaved, slow-growing, and low-growing Fescue species is drought-resistant and requires minimal maintenance. Its tolerance for poor soil and low nutrient requirements make it suitable for naturalizing areas, golf course roughs, and low-maintenance lawns.

Characteristics and Environmental Conditions

Fescue grass has specific environmental requirements and characteristics:

  • Sunlight: While Tall Fescue can tolerate full sun conditions, Fine Fescues thrive in moderate to deep shade.
  • Water: Most Fescue species can withstand periods of drought due to their extensive root systems. However, adequate water is essential for optimal growth and recovery from wear.
  • Soil: Fescue grass can grow in various soil conditions, from sandy to clay soils, with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. Ample drainage is necessary to prevent waterlogged conditions.
  • Temperature: As cool-season grasses, Fescues perform best in temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C). They experience active growth in spring and fall and can withstand temperature fluctuations effectively.

Fine Fescue Vs. Tall Fescue

Fine Fescue

Features & Benefits:

  • Fine texture, creating a visually appealing and soft surface ideal for low-traffic areas
  • Shade-tolerant, making it suitable for areas with limited sunlight
  • Low-maintenance requirements, including reduced mowing frequency and fertilization
  • Drought-tolerant
  • Generally, pest and disease-resistant


  • Not well-suited for high-traffic areas
  • Requires well-drained soil; not ideal for poorly-drained or clay-heavy soil
  • Less heat-tolerant than tall fescue

Tall Fescue

Features & Benefits:

  • Coarse texture, resulting in a more robust and durable turf
  • Tolerant of a wide range of soil types, including clay and poor-draining soil
  • Highly resistant to wear and tear, making it ideal for high-traffic areas
  • Deep-rooted, enabling better water and nutrient absorption
  • Heat, drought, and shade-tolerant


  • Requires more frequent mowing and fertilization than fine fescue
  • Susceptible to some diseases and pests, such as brown patches and white grubs
  • Coarser appearance, making it less visually attractive than fine fescue

When to Use Each Grass Type?

Fine Fescue Ideal for low-traffic areas where shade tolerance and low maintenance are top priorities. Examples include residential lawns, shaded landscapes, and ornamental applications.

Tall Fescue Recommended for situations where durability and traffic tolerance are desired. Examples include public parks, sports fields, golf courses, and commercial properties.

Hazards & Considerations

  • Disease Susceptibility: Tall fescue may be more susceptible to diseases such as brown patch, while fine fescue has a lower disease risk.
  • Pest Resistance: Despite their general pest resistance, fine fescue may be affected by sod webworms, while tall fescue is vulnerable to white grubs.
  • Water Requirements: Both grass types are drought-tolerant, but tall fescue’s deep roots provide better access to water, making it a better option in more arid or water-scarce regions.

Common Uses of Fescue Grass

Fescue grass, with its fine texture and ability to withstand various environmental conditions, is widely used for practical and aesthetic purposes. Its deep root system makes it highly drought-tolerant, while its dense growth helps to prevent soil erosion. Additionally, the vibrant green color and soft feel of fescue grass make it an excellent choice for creating lush and inviting landscapes.

For residential lawns, golf courses, or parks, fescue grass is a versatile option that adds beauty and functionality to outdoor spaces.

What Does Fescue Grass Look Like?

Fescue grass is characterized by its fine to medium leaf texture with a vibrant green color, giving the lawn a lush and dense appearance. The blades are typically narrow, pointed, and approximately 3 to 4 inches long when fully grown. Depending on the variety, the grass may present a more uniform, turf-like appearance (as in the case of ‘turf-type’ tall fescues) or exhibit a clumpy or ‘bunchy’ growth habit (common in ‘forage-type’ tall fescues like K-31). The visual appeal of fescue grass, particularly the fine fescue variant, often makes it a preferred choice for residential lawns and low-traffic areas seeking an aesthetically pleasing, soft turf surface.

Final Words

Fescue lawn, renowned for its fine texture and vibrant green color, is a highly sought-after choice among homeowners who yearn for a lush and visually appealing landscape. With its exceptional ability to withstand an array of weather conditions, ranging from scorching summer heat to chilly winters, and its remarkable adaptability to various soil types, including clay and sandy soils, fescue lawn emerges as an outstanding option for creating a beautiful, low-maintenance, and enduring outdoor space. Whether you envision a tranquil garden retreat or a playground for children, fescue lawn provides the perfect foundation for transforming your yard into a captivating masterpiece.

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