Can I Mow Wet Grass with Morning Dew: Cause & Tips

Mowing the lawn is a regular part of home ownership and yard maintenance. However, there are times when mowing can cause more harm than good, especially when the grass is wet.

In this article, we’ll explore why it’s best to avoid mowing wet grass and share some tips for maintaining a healthy lawn even when the weather is less than ideal.

Major Causes Why You Should Not Mow Wet Grass

Mowing wet grass can harm your lawn, mower, and even yourself. Therefore, the best times to mow are mid-morning (8 a.m.-11 a.m.) or late afternoon (4-6 p.m.).

Read on to learn why staying away from wet grass is essential and when is the optimum time to mow your lawn. Below are a few significant causes why you should not mow damp grass.

1. Reduced mower effectiveness

Wet grass can clog your mower’s deck and blades, causing it to work harder and struggle through the soggy turf. This may not only decrease your mower’s efficiency but also potentially cause damage to the machine over time.

2. Uneven and damaged lawns

Wet grass is more likely to bend and break under the weight of a mower, resulting in an uneven, clumpy, and unattractive property. In addition, the mower’s tires can create deep ruts and compacted soil, making grass harder to grow and recover.

3. Mold and disease risks

Mowing wet grass increases the risk of spreading disease and fungus, as the damp clippings can stick to the mower blades, transmit spores, and create a less-than-ideal environment for healthy grass growth. Mold and mildew thrive in wet conditions, and waiting for your lawn to dry out can help prevent their spread.

4. Slipping hazards

Operating a mower on wet grass can also be hazardous for the person doing the mowing. Wet grass is slippery and can lead to falls and accidents. Additionally, electrical mowers can be dangerous in damp conditions, as they may create a shock hazard if water enters the motor or electrical components.

5. Uneven grass cutting

The wet grass tends to stick together, making it difficult for mower blades to cut the grass evenly. This may leave patches of longer grass that don’t receive enough sunlight, impacting their health and making your lawn look uneven and patchy.

6. Impeded growth

When grass is weakened or damaged from mowing wet, it may struggle to grow back as strong and vibrant as it should. This can lead to a less healthy, more susceptible lawn that requires more attention and care to maintain its appearance.

Essential Care Tips for a Healthy Lawn

  1. Mow at the Right Height: The ideal height depends on the type of grass you have, but generally, it is best to maintain a grass height of 2.5-3 inches. This promotes a robust root system and helps prevent weeds from growing.
  2. Mow with Sharp Blades: Sharpen your mower blades regularly to ensure a clean cut, reducing the risk of stress and disease to the grass.
  3. Use a Mulching Mower: These mowers return the clippings onto the lawn, providing an organic source of nutrients. This can help improve your lawn’s overall health.
  4. Water Deeply: Water your lawn deeply and infrequently (about an inch per week), which encourages a deeper root system that is less susceptible to drought stress.
  5. Aerate Regularly: Aerating your lawn once or twice yearly improves the soil composition, promotes proper drainage, and helps nutrients reach the grassroots efficiently.
  6. Fertilize at the Right Time: The best fertilization time varies based on grass type, climate, and seasonal changes. Generally, however, it’s recommended to fertilize in the fall and spring.

Can I Mow Wet Grass?

The short answer is yes. You can mow wet grass. However, there are specific considerations you should keep in mind before doing it.

When the grass is wet, the blades tend to clump together and can cause clumps of cut grass that don’t disperse properly when they land on the lawn. This can lead to uneven cutting and an unnatural appearance of the lawn.

Additionally, wet grass can cause more strain on the mower and its blades, potentially leading to damage or decreased performance.

Knowing other potential risks associated with mowing wet grass is also important. The wet ground can make it easier for a mower to slip and cause injury, so it’s essential to use caution when operating a mower on damp soil.

It’s also essential to ensure the lawn is free of debris, as this can make it even more dangerous for a mower in wet conditions.

Finally, it’s best to avoid mowing your grass when it’s raining. Wet grass clumps together and leads to poor cutting performance, but it can also lead to severe injury or damage to the mower if it slips in wet conditions.

Tips For Cutting a Dewy Lawn

  • Wait until the grass has dried before mowing.
  • Mow slowly and cautiously to ensure your safety.
  • Watch for slippery patches of wet grass or puddles that could cause the mower to slip.
  • Ensure the lawn is clear of debris, such as sticks, stones, and other objects that could cause damage to the mower.
  • If possible, use a mulching mower which can help disperse wet clippings more evenly.
  • Check the blades and engine of your mower before and after cutting a wet lawn to identify any potential issues or damage.

Following these tips, you can safely mow a wet lawn without risking injury or damage to your mower.

However, waiting until the grass has dried before attempting to mow is always best, as this will ensure the best possible cutting results.

How Soon Can You Cut Grass After It Rains?

The answer will depend on several conditions, including the amount of rain received, the type of grass you mow, and the temperature outside.

Generally, it’s best to wait at least 12-24 hours before attempting to mow after a heavy rainfall or when temperatures are cool. This will help ensure the grass is dry enough to cut safely and effectively.

It’s also important to be aware that some types of grass are more vulnerable to damage when wet, such as St. Augustine grass and Bermuda grass. Therefore, it’s best to wait at least 24 hours before mowing these grasses.

When Is the Best Time to Mow Grass?

The best time to mow grass is typically in the late afternoon or early evening. This is because temperatures are cooler at this time of day, reducing stress on the grass and ensuring healthier growth.

Additionally, cooler temperatures make it easier for a mower to operate effectively and reduce strain on its motor. It also helps ensure that the lawn will look freshly cut for longer, as the grass doesn’t have time to heat up and begin to wilt.

Finally, ensuring that the lawn has had adequate time to dry after rainfall is essential before attempting to mow it. Wet grass can be difficult for mower blades to cut through, resulting in uneven cutting or clumping.

Can you cut grass with morning dew?

Yes, you can cut grass with morning dew. However, it is best to wait until the moisture evaporates before mowing. This will help ensure the grass is dry enough for a safe and effective cutting result.


In conclusion, mowing with dew on the grass is possible, but the ideal time to cut is mid-morning (8 a.m.-11 a.m.) or late afternoon (4-6 p.m) when the grass has dried out from the morning dew and any precipitation that may have fallen overnight.

Wet grass can lead to clogged mower blades, uneven cutting, and an increased risk of slipping and injury. Therefore, waiting until the grass has dried before attempting to mow is essential to ensure a safe, efficient, and attractive outcome.

When possible, use a mulching mower which can help disperse wet clippings more evenly and prevent damage to your lawn. Additionally, it’s best to wait at least 12-24 hours after a heavy rainfall before attempting to mow, with some types of grass requiring additional time to dry out.

By waiting until the grass is dry and following the other tips mentioned above, you can ensure that your lawn remains in tip-top condition.

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