Can You Put Too Much Lime on the Soil of Your Lawn?

As a lawn care expert, it is crucial to understand the importance of maintaining a nutritious soil pH level for your lawn and the impact of adding excessive amounts of lime. Lime is a common amendment used to alter the soil’s pH level making it less acidic and more alkaline. 

This can improve conditions for turf grass growth and overall lawn health. But can you put too much lime on your lawn? Let’s explore this in detail.

What is Lime and Why is it Added to Lawns?

Lime is a soil amendment derived from limestone, a naturally occurring sedimentary rock rich in calcium carbonate. This substance helps neutralize the acidity of your lawn’s soil, promoting robust grass growth, efficient nutrient uptake, and resistance to common pests and diseases.

Every lawn has unique soil properties, so it’s essential to conduct a soil test to determine the existing soil pH and any required amendments. Most turf grasses generally prefer pH levels between 6.0 and 7.0. If your soil’s pH level falls below this range, consider adding lime to raise it.

The amount of lime needed to shift pH levels changes based on several factors, including the existing pH, soil composition, and type of lime applied. As a general guideline, 35 to 50 pounds of lime per 1,000 sq. ft of lawn can raise the soil pH by about one point.

Can you put too much lime on your lawn?

No, you cannot put too much lime on your lawn. The soil test results determine the amount of lime needed, so if you have followed these guidelines, you are unlikely to add too much lime.

Effects of too much lime on the lawn

The answer is yes if you overthink that lime can hurt your lawn. While the correct application of lime can have numerous benefits, applying excessive amounts can lead to negative consequences for your yard and its ecosystem:

  1. Altered soil pH levels: Over-application of lime can push the soil pH into an excessively alkaline range, stressing the turf grass and impeding nutrient availability, particularly for nutrients like iron and manganese.
  2. Hindered soil microorganisms: Soil microorganisms are crucial in breaking down organic matter, facilitating nutrient uptake, and promoting overall soil health. Excessive lime application may harm these microorganisms, resulting in imbalanced nutrient cycling and soil bacterial communities.
  3. Negative impact on other plants: Overly alkaline soil conditions can harm your grass and other plants within your lawn or garden, leading to stunted growth or even death.
  4. Groundwater contamination: Adding excessive amounts of lime can contribute to groundwater contamination through leaching, particularly in porous soils. Groundwater contaminated by lime may contain high levels of calcium and magnesium, potentially affecting drinking water quality.

Recommendations for using lime on your lawn

Applying the appropriate amount based on your lawn’s specific needs is the key to using lime effectively. Here are a few recommendations to guide you:

  1. Conduct a soil test: Soil tests provide valuable information about the soil’s pH, nutrient content, and composition, guiding your lime applications and other amendments.
  2. Choose the correct type of lime: There are different forms of lime available (e.g., calcitic lime, dolomitic lime, pelletized lime). Select the most appropriate for your lawn’s requirements based on the soil test results.
  3. Apply the proper amount: Apply the recommended amount of lime obtained from the soil test results, taking care not to exceed these levels.
  4. Time for your application: Lime is best applied during fall or spring when the ground is not too wet or dry. Avoid using it during the summer heat to prevent further stressing your grass.

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Fix Too Much Lime on a Lawn

As a lawn care expert, I understand how excess lime can negatively affect your lawn’s health. In this guide, I will provide detailed information and instructions on restoring your lawn’s health after applying too much lime. Don’t worry if you’re new to lawn care; this guide suits beginners!

Identifying Problem Areas

Here’s how to identify areas in your lawn that might have excess lime:

  1. Look for yellowing or browning of the grass, indicating nutrient deficiencies caused by alkaline soil.
  2. Examine the types of weeds present in your lawn. If an abundance of weeds prefers alkaline soil, it may indicate excess lime.
  3. Conduct a soil pH test – a pH above 7 indicates alkaline soil, and you may have applied excessive lime.

Neutralizing Excess Lime

To neutralize excess lime and lower the soil pH, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Sulfur: Applying elemental sulfur is one of the most common methods to lower soil pH. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines or consult with a lawn care expert before applying.
  2. Aluminum Sulfate: This product is another popular option, but it should be used cautiously as it can potentially harm your grass if overused.
  3. Natural remedies: You can also use organic materials like peat moss or compost that have a natural acidity to help neutralize the soil pH.

Maintaining Lawn Health Going Forward

After addressing the excess lime issue, follow these steps to maintain your lawn’s health:

  1. Regularly test the soil pH to monitor any changes in the alkalinity or acidity.
  2. Maintain a consistent lawn care routine, such as regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing.
  3. Use organic matter to promote healthy soil life and maintain a balanced pH.
  4. If necessary, reapply the lime judiciously to avoid creating another issue with alkalinity.

Tips & Advice

Here are additional tips and advice to help you better understand and avoid excess lime application in the future:

  1. Lime should be applied based on soil pH test results – avoid guessing the amount needed.
  2. Lightly and evenly apply lime to your lawn to ensure better absorption and avoid over-application.
  3. Consult with a lawn care expert before applying any soil amendments, especially if unsure about the process.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be well on your way to restoring your lawn’s health and maintaining a beautiful, lush, and vibrant green landscape you can enjoy for years.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I use lime and fertilizer at the same time?

No, lime and fertilizer should not be applied at the same time. Fertilizers are acidic and can react with lime to form compounds that may harm your plants. It’s best to apply them separately on different days, allowing enough time for each product to absorb into the soil before applying the other. 

Additionally, follow the producer’s instructions and avoid over-application of either product. Conducting a soil test before applying any amendments is essential to determine the right amount for your lawn.

What is the best time to spread lime on the lawn?

The best time to spread lime on your lawn is during the fall or spring when the ground isn’t too wet or dry. The cooler months provide an ideal environment for lime absorption, allowing it to be evenly distributed throughout the soil and benefit your lawn most. Avoid applying lime in the summer heat as it can further stress your grass and lead to wilting. Also, spread the lime out as evenly as possible for best results.

Is it better to use liquid or granular lime?

It depends on your lawn’s specific needs and requirements. Liquid lime has the advantage of being able to be applied quickly and can provide fast-acting relief. However, some people find liquid lime more expensive and difficult to apply evenly. On the other hand, granular lime may be easier to spread out evenly but can take longer to absorb into the soil and provide results. Ultimately, it’s best to consult with an expert and conduct a soil test before choosing which type of lime best suits your lawn’s needs.

What is the main difference between Calcitic and Dolomitic lime?

Calcitic lime is derived from calcium carbonate, while dolomitic lime is derived from calcium magnesium carbonate. Calcitic limestone is more commonly used because it contains higher levels of calcium which helps to raise soil PH. Dolomitic limestone has calcium and magnesium, making it better suited for soils that need both nutrients. In general, soil tests will help you determine which type of lime is best for your lawn’s needs.

How often should I apply lime to my lawn?

It is recommended to reapply lime once every few years or as indicated by your soil test results. However, depending on your lawn’s soil condition and type, how often you need to apply it will vary. Discuss with a lawn care expert or conduct a soil test before reapplying lime. Also, ensure not to over-apply as this can cause more harm than good.

Following the proper steps and techniques, you can maintain healthy soil pH levels and ensure your lawn obtains the nutrients needed to maintain a lush, vibrant green landscape.


Lime can benefit your lawn as long as it is applied in moderation and with proper pH testing. Following the steps discussed above should help you effectively identify, treat, and prevent any excess lime issues from occurring in the future. Proper care and maintenance can keep your lawn green and healthy for years.

Thanks for reading our guide on overseeding analysis. We hope it’s helped you understand the importance of soil pH testing and maintaining a consistent lawn care routine. As always, consult with an expert or conduct a soil test before using any amendments to ensure your lawn acquires the nutrients it needs. Good luck, and happy gardening.

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