Why is My Lawn Grass Turning Brown in Spots Despite Watering?

If your once lush and vibrant lawn has begun to show signs of patches of browning in certain areas, it can be a source of frustration. Despite the best care practices you may implement with watering and fertilizer, having dead spots on your lawn is never ideal. There are several reasons why this may occur, including pests, disease, or even neglect.

But before jumping directly into potential solutions for these lawn issues, it is essential to ask the right questions: “Is trying to use car oil in an old lawn mower a valid option?”

Although it may seem like an efficient solution if you’re out of traditional motor oil suitable for mowers, there could be long-term consequences from any resulting damage.

Read on as we delve into some common causes behind grass turning brown in your lawn and give reliable answers about the usefulness–or lack thereof –of using car oil as motor fuel for your mower!

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Why is My Lawn Turning Brown in Spots

A healthy and luscious green lawn is the pride of many homeowners. However, if you notice brown spots appearing on your once-perfect turf, it can be pretty disheartening. There are several reasons why your lawn might be turning brown in spots. In this article, we’ll explore five possible culprits that could be causing this issue.

1. Drought

Lack of water is one of the most common causes of brown spots on your lawn. When the grass doesn’t receive enough water, it becomes stressed and becomes brown. This is especially true during periods of prolonged hot and dry weather. Be sure to:

  • Provide consistent water: Make sure your lawn receives about 1-1.5 inches of water per week.
  • Water at the right time: Water early in the morning so that the moisture can soak into the soil before evaporating under the sun.

2. Weed Pressure

Weeds compete with your grass for essential nutrients and water. If left unchecked, they can quickly overrun your lawn and cause the grass to turn brown in certain areas. Some proactive steps to deal with weed pressure include:

  • Mowing regularly: Mowing your lawn at the right height (usually between 2.5 and 3.5 inches) helps to prevent weeds from setting seeds.
  • Applying pre-emergent herbicides: These products can suppress the growth of weeds before they break the surface.

3. Chemical Burns

Sometimes, lawn care products such as fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides can cause brown spots if misused or over-applied. To avoid chemical burns:

  • Follow the product instructions carefully, considering the appropriate application rate and timing.
  • Use selective herbicides if possible, as they only target specific weeds and will not harm your lawn grass.
  • Avoid spillages and ensure even application when spreading products across your lawn.

4. Pests and Disease

Lawn pests like grubs, chinch bugs, sod webworms, or fungal diseases such as brown patches or dollar spots, can cause brown spots on your lawn. Here’s how to address these problems:

  • Regularly inspect your property for signs of pests or disease.
  • Consult a lawn care professional to identify the issue and apply the appropriate treatment.

5. Forgotten Toys and Tools

Leaving toys, tools, or other heavy objects on your lawn for long periods can damage the grass underneath, leading to brown spots. Here’s how to prevent this issue:

  • Be conscious of where you leave items on the lawn and ensure they’re picked up promptly.
  • Use proper storage solutions for outdoor items when not in use to minimize lawn damage.

How Will You Identify and Prevent Brown Spots?

Identifying and preventing brown spots on your lawn may seem daunting. However, with the proper knowledge and understanding of the various causes, you can take proactive steps to ensure your turf remains healthy and vibrant.

Remember to water consistently, remove weeds promptly, use chemicals safely, address pests or diseases quickly, and avoid leaving toys or tools on the lawn.

Doing all this will help you maintain a lush and beautiful green lawn for years.

If you need advice or assistance with your lawn, don’t hesitate to contact your local lawn care professionals. With their expertise and guidance, they can identify the specific issue causing brown spots and advise on steps that need to be taken for a healthier lawn.

Frequently Asked Question

What home remedy is good for brown grass?

If you’re dealing with brown grass, a simple home remedy involves mixing baking soda with water and applying the solution to the affected area. Baking soda helps to raise the pH levels of your soil, which can help revive any patches of dead or discolored grass.

You can also add a small amount of dish soap into the mixture to help the baking soda spread evenly on the lawn.

What fungicide is best for brown patches?

In general, azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, or fluoxastrobin are suitable fungicides to use for brown patches. These fungicides work by attacking the fungus at its core and preventing it from spreading further. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and apply as required for optimal results.

What kills fungus but not grass?

Mix one tablespoon of baking soda and 5 liters of water. Spray the solution onto your lawn; it will kill any fungus while not harming the grass. Baking soda is a natural fungicide that works by raising the pH levels of your soil, which makes it difficult for fungi to thrive.


To sum up, why is my lawn turning brown in spots? Many possible causes include drought, weed pressure, chemical burns, pests, diseases, or forgotten toys and tools. To identify the exact issue causing the brown spots, consult a lawn care professional.

Proactive steps like providing consistent water, promptly removing weeds, using chemicals safely, addressing pest or disease issues quickly, and avoiding leaving objects on your lawn can help you maintain a lush and beautiful green lawn for years to come.

Also, home remedies like adding baking soda or cornmeal gluten can help revive any dead patches of grass on your lawn. These tips will help ensure that your turf remains healthy and vibrant.

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