What Type of Grass is Used on Golf Courses?

Golf courses worldwide use various grass species to create stunning greens and fairways. Each grass type plays an essential role in a golfer’s game, with its unique characteristics determining maintenance levels, durability, and playability. 

This article delves into golf course grasses, focusing on their fundamental differences, preferred climate and moisture conditions, and blade types. 

Furthermore, we’ll explore the process of selecting the perfect grass species for a specific golf course and recommend the ideal grass type for different climates or regions.

Factors that Influence the Selection of Grass Species

Golf course architects and professionals consider several factors when choosing a particular grass species for a specific golf course. These factors include:

  • Durability: Certain grass species can withstand heavy traffic and recover quickly, making them more suitable for high-use areas.
  • Maintenance level: Some grasses require more intensive maintenance than others. Factors like mowing frequency or irrigation needs should be considered.
  • Appearance: Aesthetics are essential to a golf course, so the chosen grass species should have an attractive color, texture, and density that fits the overall design.
  • Playability: The grass species should provide an enjoyable playing experience for golfers, affecting ball roll, traction, and cushioning underfoot.

What Type of Grass is Used on Golf Courses?

Several grass species are commonly used on golf courses, each with unique characteristics. Here are some of the famous golf course grass types:

  1. Bentgrass: This cool-season grass is known for its acceptable, dense turf and smooth putting surface. It can tolerate low mowing heights, making it ideal for greens, fairways, and tees. Bentgrass does best in cooler climates with significant moisture.
  2. Bermudagrass: This warm-season grass is used primarily in southern regions, where temperatures are high and can tolerate heat and drought conditions. Bermudagrass is tough and resilient, making it perfect for fairways and roughs.
  3. Fescue: Fescue grasses are cool-season grasses that are both drought- and shade-tolerant. Often used for roughs, they create a natural, meadow-like appearance.
  4. Ryegrass: Ryegrass is a cool-season grass species known for its fast germination and strong wear resistance. It’s often used to overseed warm-season grasses during colder months, ensuring an attractive and playable turf all year round.
  5. Zoysia: This warm-season grass is the most drought-tolerant species used on golf courses and can take more wear and tear than other grasses. It’s ideal for tees, fairways, and roughs in warmer climates.
  6. Poa annua: This cool-season grass is used mainly on golf course greens and is sensitive to temperature shifts. It needs frequent mowing and prefers moderate climates with ample moisture.

Now, you know what grass golf courses use and the factors influencing their selection. With a better understanding of grasses, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best species for your golf course or lawn.

Blade Types

Grass blades can be either fine or coarse, depending on the species. Fine blades are best for putting surfaces since they provide a more even playing surface with shorter heights and less grain. 

Conversely, coarse blades are more suitable for fairways and roughs since they are more wear-resistant and can handle higher mowing heights.

Selecting the Perfect Grass Species

Selecting the ideal grass species is a complex process of trial and error that requires careful consideration of several factors, including climate conditions, soil type, and course design. If you want to install a grass species on your golf course that will thrive over time, here are some tips:

  • Consider the climate in your region. Different species have different temperature and moisture requirements. If you live in a warmer area, choose a warm-season grass like Bermudagrass or Zoysia. If you live in a more excellent region, choose a cool-season grass like Bentgrass or Fescue.
  • Know the soil type of your golf course. Different species are better suited for different soils, so research and determine which grass is best for your specific soil conditions.
  • Take into account the terrain of your golf course. Slopes and hills can influence the choice of species, as some grasses are better adapted to handle uneven terrain than others.
  • Remember the purpose: different grass types have other characteristics, so choose a species suited for the particular purpose. For example, choose a fine-bladed grass like Bentgrass if you’re creating putting surfaces.
  • Please consult a professional: It’s always best to consult an experienced golf course designer or greenskeeper who can offer valuable advice and guidance in selecting the ideal grass species for your golf course.

Once you’ve selected a suitable grass species, take care of it properly by providing the necessary nutrition and maintenance to ensure a healthy turf that lasts for years. With the proper care and attention, your golf course can be transformed into an oasis of lush green fairways, tees, and greens. 

Maintenance Tips for Golf Course Grasses

Golf course grasses require proper maintenance to stay green and healthy. Here are some tips on how to keep your grass in peak condition:

  • Water regularly. Depending on the species and climate conditions, golf course grasses need frequent watering to stay healthy. Make sure to water deeply and infrequently to encourage profound root growth.
  • Mow correctly. Keep mower blades sharp so you don’t damage the grass when cutting it. Also, mow at the recommended height for your particular grass type.
  • Fertilize regularly. Golf course grasses need a steady supply of nutrients to stay green and healthy, so make sure to fertilize them according to manufacturer guidelines.
  • Control pests and diseases. Monitor golf course grasses closely for signs of disease or infestations, and take action immediately if you spot any.


Golf course grass types can have a significant impact on the playability and appearance of your course. The correct species will provide golfers with a lush, green, and enjoyable playing surface. 

Choosing the ideal grass requires careful consideration of several factors, including climate conditions, soil type, and course design. 

Once you’ve selected the perfect grass species for your course, maintain it properly by providing the necessary nutrition and care to ensure a healthy turf lasts for years. With the proper knowledge and maintenance, your golf course can be transformed into an oasis of lush green fairways, tees, and greens. 

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