What is Dutch White Clover? Characteristics & Advantages

Dutch White Clover may be the perfect choice for gardeners looking for a dynamic cover crop with multiple benefits. A hardy perennial and nitrogen-fixer, Dutch White Clover will suppress weeds, increase soil fertility, and attract beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies – providing beauty and sustainability to your landscape. 

This article will explore what makes Dutch White Clover ideal for gardeners who want to maximize their yields while creating a healthy habitat for wildlife!

What is Dutch White Clover?

Dutch White Clover (Trifolium repens), also known as Dutch clover, is a slow-growing perennial plant from the legume family. Contrary to popular belief, Dutch White Clover is not just a weed but a valuable companion plant often used to create lush, green lawns. 

It is different from other species of the clover plant, such as the red clover, due to its slower growth and lower height. This unique characteristic makes it ideal for blending seamlessly into a grass-dominated landscape.

History: Dutch White Clover in American Lawns

White Dutch clover was a common element in lawn seed mixes one hundred years ago, making it a ubiquitous nationwide sight. However, with the increasing popularity of herbicides in the 1950s, homeowners began to prioritize well-manicured and weed-free lawns. As a result, clovers were deemed a nuisance plant and largely eliminated from traditional grass lawns.

Today though, as people search for low-maintenance or eco-friendly alternatives for their yards, Dutch clover is seeing a resurgence; some are even using it to create entire lawns or mixed lawns that include clover.

Characteristics of White Dutch clover

  • Classification: Cool-season:
  • Color: White
  • Height: Low, 3-6 inches
  • Growth rate: Slow
  • Leaf shape: Trifoliate, round
  • Propagation:  Seeds or stolons
  • Uses: Lawns, forage crops, erosion control, and green manure
  • Adaptability: Tolerates cold, heat, and drought
  • USDA hardiness zones: 4-9
  • Sun: Full sun to partial shade
  • Soil: Grows well in clay, silt, and loam soils (does not thrive in sandier soils); sensitive to salinity; prefers cool, moist soil.
  • Drought tolerance: High
  • Maintenance needs: Low
  • Potential for disease: Moderate 
  • Lifespan: 3-5 years

What are the Advantages of a Dutch White Clover Lawn?

There are numerous benefits to using white Dutch clover ground cover, some of which include:

  1. Nitrogen fixation: One of the most significant advantages of Dutch White Clover is its ability to fix nitrogen, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants. This process results in a natural fertilizer that enhances the surrounding grass’s health, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
  2. Drought tolerance: Dutch White Clover has a deep and extensive root system, allowing it to access water and nutrients from the soil more effectively than many grass species. This feature makes the plant more tolerant of drought conditions and reduces the need for frequent watering.
  3. Attracts pollinators: Dutch White Clover produces small, attractive flowers that invite pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This benefit not only aids natural ecosystems but also boosts the overall aesthetic of your lawn.
  4. Great for Pets: Dutch White Clover is a pet-friendly plant. It’s non-toxic, making it ideal for dogs and cats that like to play outdoors. Additionally, its soft texture cushions your pets’ paws and reduces the risk of injury from rough terrain.
  5. Low maintenance: Dutch White Clover does not require frequent mowing or other intensive maintenance practices due to its slow growth and short stature. This feature makes it ideal for homeowners who want a low-maintenance lawn.

Dutch White Clover is an excellent choice for creating an attractive and sustainable lawn. Its unique characteristics make it ideally suited to almost any landscape, from residential yards to public spaces. It’s no wonder that this versatile plant has become so popular in recent years!

How To Plant White Dutch Clover Lawn?

To plant a Dutch White Clover lawn, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the site: Remove any existing grass or weeds and loosen the soil to a depth of around 6 inches. Amend the soil with organic matter if necessary.
  2. Sow the seeds: Purchase a blend of Dutch White Clover and appropriate grass seed for your region. Scatter the seeds evenly and rake them gently into the soil.
  3. Water regularly: Until seeds germinate and plants become established, water consistently. Avoid overwatering, which might cause poor root development.
  4. Mow as needed: Dutch White Clover is slow-growing and requires minimal mowing. However, occasional trimming can encourage denser growth and maintain an even appearance.

Drawbacks Dutch White Clover Lawns

There are some potential drawbacks to using Dutch White Clover in your lawn, such as:

  • Allergic reactions in some individuals due to increased pollen production
  • Clover might outcompete certain grass species, leading to an imbalanced lawn

Despite these drawbacks, the benefits of Dutch White Clover often outweigh any potential negatives.

Uses Of Dutch White Clover

For recommended usage scenarios, Dutch White Clover can be used in various settings, including:

  • Home landscapes
  • Parks
  • Schools
  • Golf courses
  • Roadside green spaces

Most Popular Dutch White Clover Seed

Below are some of the most famous Dutch White Clover varieties on the market today:

  • SeedRanch
  • Outside Pride
  • West Coast Seeds
  • Nature’s Seed

Related FAQs

What is the main difference between white clover and white Dutch clover?

White clover (Trifolium repens) and white Dutch clover (Trifolium repens L.) are both species of the same plant. The main difference is that Dutch White Clover has a slower growth rate and lower height than white clover, making it more suitable for lawns.

How deep should I sow my white Dutch clover seeds?

White Dutch clover seeds are usually sown about 1/4 – 1/2 inches deep. Before planting, it’s essential to ensure the soil is prepared correctly and amended with organic matter if necessary.

How often should I water my white Dutch clover lawn?

For the first few weeks after planting, your white Dutch clover lawn should be watered regularly to ensure proper germination. Once the plants are established, however, you can reduce watering frequency and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to poor root development.

Can white Dutch clover be mowed?

Yes, white Dutch clover can be mowed if desired. However, since it’s a slow-growing plant, it may not need to be cut often. Occasional mowing can help keep the lawn looking neat and encourage denser growth.

Can white Dutch clover be used as a turfgrass?

White Dutch clover can be used as an alternative to traditional turfgrass. Its low-growth, low-maintenance qualities make it an excellent choice for residential lawns and other green spaces.

How big does white Dutch clover get?

White Dutch clover typically grows to around 3-6 inches. As a low-growing plant, it spreads horizontally rather than vertically. This characteristic suits the plant for ground cover in lawns and other green spaces. 


In conclusion, a Dutch White Clover lawn is aesthetically pleasing and ecologically beneficial due to its nitrogen-fixing capabilities, drought tolerance, and ability to attract pollinators.

Additionally, white clover ground cover requires minimal and is a pet-friendly choice. With its low growth rate, it can easily blend in with grass or other plants to create an even, lush landscape.

Whether you use it as a standalone lawn or mix it with grass and other plants, Dutch White Clover can provide a beautiful, sustainable ground cover that adds interest to any outdoor space.

For further success, please select the best variety for your region and keep it well-watered until established. Proper care gives you a beautiful Dutch White Clover lawn that will thrive for years.

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