What Are Rhizome & Stolon Grass? Types, Uses, Benefits

Are you looking for the perfect lawn? Are you having trouble finding ways to grow your grass thicker and with more lushness than ever before? Have you heard of stolons or rhizomes but don’t know what they are? If so, this is the perfect guide for understanding these two essential components of healthy lawns! In this blog post, we’ll discuss precisely what stolons and rhizomes are, how they help make a yard robust and complete, and best practices for planting them correctly. Keep reading to get all the answers you need!

All About Rhizomes Grass

Rhizomes Grass, or simply Rhizomatous grass, is a fascinating concept in plant life that sheds light on rhizomes’ unique and robust characteristics. The term “rhizomes” is derived from a broader theoretical concept that encapsulates a network-like structure that continually grows and extends. This overview will delve into rhizomes, focusing on their manifestation in grass and plant life, and discuss their potential implications for various industries or fields.

Theoretical Concept of Rhizomes

A rhizome is a horizontal, underground plant stem that can produce the shoot and root systems of a new plant, allowing the plant to propagate vegetatively. The concept, however, extends beyond plant biology and has become a metaphor within various fields such as philosophy, social sciences, and art.

A rhizome represents a network of interconnected nodes that do not follow a hierarchical structure but a heterogeneous, flexible, and non-linear arrangement. This is in direct contrast to traditional tree-like structures that maintain a clear central trunk with hierarchical branches.

Characteristics of Rhizomes in Grass and Plant Life

Rhizomatous grasses are unique in their propagation. The key characteristics which differentiate rhizomes from other types of plant structures include:

  1. Growth Pattern: Rhizomes grow horizontally beneath the soil surface and help create a dense network of grass blades, ensuring a thick and lush lawn.
  1. Vegetative Propagation: Unlike other plants that rely primarily on seeds for propagation, rhizomatous grasses multiply through the growth of new shoots from the rhizomes.
  1. Drought Tolerance: Rhizomes store nutrients and water, which helps the grass to survive harsh climatic conditions such as drought and high-temperature stress.
  1. Invasive Nature: Due to their interconnected network and rapid growth, rhizomatous grasses can quickly spread and can sometimes be intrusive. That grass that spreads

Popular Varieties of Rhizomes Grass

Several varieties of rhizomes grass have become popular for landscaping and turfgrass. These include:

Indeterminate Rhizome Grass

  • Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon): This warm-season grass is known for its dense, lush growth and deep green coloration. It is tolerant to drought conditions and can be established from seed or sod.
  • Quackgrass: This cool-season grass is a common weed in turfgrass. It has rhizomes that grow horizontally and vertically, making it difficult to control.
  • Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense): This warm-season grass is often used for lawns, pastures, roadsides, and erosion control. It has deep root systems as well as rhizomes which help it survive high temperatures and drought conditions.

Determinate Rhizome Grass

  • Creeping red fescue: This cool-season grass features a creeping growth habit and is often blended with other turf grasses to form fine lawns. It can tolerate some shade and spreads by stolons, similar to rhizomes, to fill in bare spots.
  • Tall Fescue: This cool-season grass has deep roots and wide blades that are dark green. It is drought tolerant and can spread by rhizomes and stolons.
  • Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis): This cool-season grass is commonly found in lawns, parks, and athletic fields. It is often used for erosion control due to its deep root system and rhizomes which help it survive drought.

Advantages and Limitations of Rhizomes Grass


  1. Low Maintenance: Rhizomatous grasses require less frequent mowing and fertilization than lawn grasses.
  1. Dense Growth: A dense network of grass blades ensures a visually appealing lawn with excellent coverage.
  1. Resilience: Rhizomatous grasses have better resilience against pests, diseases, and adverse environmental conditions because they store nutrients and water within rhizomes.
  1. Erosion Control: Due to their dense root network, rhizomatous grasses effectively control soil erosion.


  1. Invasiveness: These grasses can become invasive and may negatively impact biodiversity in some ecosystems.
  1. Initial Growth Rate: The initial establishment of rhizomatous lawns can be slow compared to other grass types.
  1. Difficulty in Controlling Spread: Containment of their growth within specific boundaries can be challenging due to their underground horizontal expansion.

Applications of Rhizomes Grsass in Other Industries or Fields

Rhizomes Grsass holds enormous potential for applications in other industries and fields. Some potential applications are:

  1. Agriculture: Rhizomatous plants could be used as cover crops to prevent soil erosion, fix nitrogen, and suppress weeds.
  1. Ecological Restoration: Implementing rhizomatous grasses in degraded ecosystems could help the restoration process by providing a dense ground cover.
  2. Sports Turf: Rhizomatous grasses are increasingly preferred over other varieties due to their hardiness and resilience, reducing maintenance costs.
  3. Bioremediation: Rhizomes can absorb pollutants such as metals and organic matter from contaminated sites.

All About Stolons Grass

Stolons Grass is a unique and fascinating type of grass with numerous benefits for lawns, gardens, and landscapes. This overview explore everything you need to know about Stolons Grass, including its characteristics, growth habits, and advantages.

Characteristics of Stolons Grass

Stolons Grass (also known as “Runner Grass”) is distinctive due to its horizontal growth pattern, where it extends outward through stems or “stolons.” These stolons creep along the soil’s surface, allowing the grass to spread quickly and establish itself over a wide area. Some key features of Stolons Grass include:

  • Vigorous Growth: Stolons Grass is known for its aggressive and rapid growth, allowing it to fill in bare spots and cover large areas quickly.
  • Drought Tolerance: This type of grass is quite resilient under dry conditions, making it an ideal choice for drought-prone regions.
  • Pest Resistance: Stolons Grass has a certain level of natural resistance to common pests, which helps to keep it looking healthy and vibrant.

Benefits of Growing Stolons Grass

There are several advantages to implementing Stolons Grass in your lawn or garden, such as:

Improved Soil Stabilization

The robust root systems and widespread stolon growth help to bind the topsoil, making Stolons Grass an excellent choice for controlling erosion on slopes and embankments.

Low Maintenance

Stolons Grass is relatively low-maintenance compared to other grass types, as it requires less frequent mowing and can survive in less-than-optimal conditions. Its ability to increase also means less time reseeding or filling bare patches.

Visual Appeal

Stolons Grass’s dense, mat-forming growth creates a lush, attractive appearance that is perfect for lawns and landscapes. This grass type can also be used as a ground cover in areas where other plants may struggle to establish themselves.

Popular Varieties of Stolons Grass

Several species of grass grow through stolons, including:

  • Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon): A hardy, warm-season grass perfect for lawns and golf courses in southern climates.
  • Buffalograss (Bouteloua dactyloides): A native North American grass that is drought-tolerant and requires minimal maintenance.
  • St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) is a popular warm-season grass with a coarse texture, ideal for high-traffic areas.
  • Centipede grass (Eremochloa ophiuroides): A low-growing, low-maintenance grass adapted to the sandy, acidic soils of the southeastern United States.

When Growing Stolons or Rhizomes Grasses

When planting Stolons or Rhizomes Grasses, there are some essential aspects to keep in mind:

  • Ensure the soil is well-drained and free of weeds, which will help promote vigorous growth.
  • Plant in early spring or fall when temperatures are milder, as this will provide optimal growing conditions.
  • Stolons Grass may require frequent mowing, while Rhizomes Grass should only be mowed when necessary.
  • Apply fertilizer and mulch as needed to provide essential nutrients and help retain moisture in the soil.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases affecting the grass, and apply appropriate treatment if necessary.

These tips will ensure healthy Stolons or Rhizomes Grasse growth, resulting in a lush, attractive lawn or landscape.

Other Uses for Stolons and Rhizomes Grasses

While it is primarily known as a lawn and landscape grass, Stolons and Rhizomes Grasses can also be used for other purposes such as:

  1. Erosion Control: The mat-forming growth of these grasses makes them ideal for controlling erosion on slopes and embankments.
  2. Biofuel Production: Stolons Grass is an ideal feedstock for biofuel production due to its high sugar content and rapid growth rate.
  3. Phytoremediation: Rhizomes Grass has successfully removed toxic metals and organic matter from contaminated sites.

Therefore, these grasses can provide numerous benefits in various applications.

Stolons Vs. Rhizomes Grass

Stolons and Rhizomes Grasses have advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for different purposes. Generally speaking:

  • Stolons Grass is better suited for lawns and landscapes due to its rapid growth rate and attractive appearance. In contrast, Rhizomes Grass is more resilient against pests, diseases, and extreme weather conditions, making it suitable for pastures and erosion control.
  • Stolons Grass is low maintenance and requires less frequent mowing, whereas Rhizomes Grass has a slower initial growth rate and can be more challenging to contain within specific boundaries.


Grass that spreads via stolons or rhizomes can be an excellent choice for lawns, gardens, and landscapes due to its various benefits, such as rapid growth rate, low maintenance requirements, resilience against pests and diseases, and erosion control. The type of grass will depend on the area’s specific needs; Stolons Grass is ideal for lawns and landscapes, while Rhizomes Grass is better suited for pastures and erosion control. Ultimately, assessing the environment and picking a grass variety best adapted to the area’s conditions is essential.

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